Welcome to Eaton Park Academy Covid Guidance.

This section of the Academy’s website has been specifically created to ensure that all information related to Covid-19 is in one easily accessible area. All communications home will be added here.

It also provides you with links to the most up-to-date information about Covid-19 in your area and support that is available within the community.


How do I know if I need to isolate?

If your child has COVID19 symptoms and has a high temperature, then your child must isolate, if they no longer have a temperature and they are well enough to attend then they can return to the academy.

If your child tests positive for COVID19, your child must isolate and not attend the academy for 3 days with the test being day 0.

If somebody in your household tests positive for COVID19, other household members do not need to isolate, monitor all household members closely as those living in the household are at a higher risk of catching the virus.

What is the latest government advice about education provision?

The latest government advice for parents/carers about early years provision, schools and colleges can be found here