Year 5

Year 5 Documents

Year 5 Showcase

Hello and welcome to 5H’s class page!

When you enter our classroom, you will see that we are an enthusiastic, hard-working class with a brilliant attitude towards our learning. We are always very eager to share our ideas in our classroom environment, and our teachers love when we participate in class discussions. When we do this, we understand that it is OK to make mistakes, as this is an important part of our learning process and helps us to grow. This year, we are looking forward to pushing ourselves further and are eager to face any challenges that may come along throughout our journey in Year Five. We pride ourselves on being a respectful and thoughtful class, and we are polite to all children, staff and visitors-we strive to ensure that we are fantastic role models for the younger children within the academy. We come to school each day being ready to learn, and our MASTER values are evident in everything that we do. We understand that having a positive mind-set is essential for success and that this, as well as the support from the staff around us, will help us to achieve great things this year. Full of excitement, hard-work and dedication, we hope to make this year the best one yet!

We love to read in 5H, and we have lots of opportunities to read throughout the school day, including during English lessons, guided reading, DEAR time or during our Book Club sessions.

Our English sessions begin with The Red Eye before we look at the amazing story of ‘The Invention of Hugo Cabret’ by Brian Selznick, which is always a firm favourite for the children in Year 5! We then go on to explore The War of the Worlds, The Firebird and many more wonderful texts!

Reading is so important for every single subject that we do in school, so making sure we read at home frequently is vital. It would be fantastic to see lots of children in 5H achieving the book worm this year for reading 5 times every week and being in with the chance of winning a golden token for our wonderful, book-filled vending machine!

Over the course of this year, we have some wonderful themes to explore to develop our understanding across the curriculum. In history, we will begin with our local history unit, which is all about coal mining and will learn all about where the coal mines were and why they were so important in Stoke-on-Trent. Our second unit is the Tudors, and we can’t wait to learn all about their way of life, Henry the VIII and the fate that befell each of his wives! In geography, we will be starting the year with map work before going on to broaden our knowledge of nations, cities and landmarks as well as discussing the key issues regarding climate change. In science, our first unit is all about animals and their habitats before we start to explore our fascinating Solar System (with a particular focus on Earth and Mars). This links perfectly to our English lessons where we will be writing our very own non-chronological reports all about Mars-these will definitely be worth a read! As well as this, we will deepen our understanding of a range of world religions, different artists and their techniques and also further develop our sporting and computing skills.

Routines/key information

  • Toast money (£1) needs to be paid on a Monday for the week
  • Children are expected to read at least 4 times each week
  • Homework will be issued on a Friday to be returned and checked the following Friday
  • Children will be tested on a Monday with their weekly spelling activity

Our trips and experiences this year:

  • Jodrell Bank
  • Careers fair
  • Pantomime
  • First Aid workshop

We hope that you have enjoyed learning a little bit more about life in 5H, and remember to keep your eyes peeled for regular updates on Class Dojo with all of the fabulous things that we get up to!

Welcome to 5J’s class page.

Ready to take on any challenge using our MASTER VALUES, we embrace all aspects of school life with enthusiasm and a growth-mind-set. No matter how big or small, together, we can achieve it all! In our class, we celebrate each other’s achievements, are supportive of one another and make the perfect team. We are determined and eager to succeed in all that we do! Along the way, we know there is challenges, but as true Eaton Park students, we work together to achieve highly in all aspects of school life.

In 5J, we are eager to read. There are many reading opportunities within our school week, including DEAR time, Book Club, library visits, school library lunchtimes and more! We immerse ourselves in a range of texts and read our class novels together.

This year, we will read the following texts:

  • Leon and the Place Between  by Angela Mcallister
  • The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick
  • The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells
  • Holes by Louis Sachar

We would love to have as many Bookworm winners as possible in 5J this year, so we are going to work together to encourage each other to read 5 times every week at home. Our book vending machine is full of exciting, inviting books waiting to be picked!

In Year 5, we have a broad, inspiring curriculum, as detailed below.

In English, we read fiction, non-fiction and poetry to improve our comprehension and vocabulary. We will improve our grammar, punctuation and spelling through tasks such as narratives, reports and persuasive texts to build upon our abilities to express our ideas.


In Maths, we work with numbers up to 1,000,000 as we master addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. We explore fractions, decimals, and percentages, along with geometry, measurement and data handling.


Y5’s Science topics include ‘Properties of Materials’, ‘Earth and Space’, ‘Forces’, ‘Living Things’, and ‘Animals Including Humans’. We conduct investigations, make predictions, and learn about key processes like the solar system and gravity.

History & Geography

In History, we study the Victorians and other British history, focusing on key events such as coal mining. In Geography, we cover climate zones, rivers, mountains and the water cycle and a range of map skills.

Art & Design and DT

Art involves exploring advanced techniques in drawing, painting and sculpting. We look at artists such as Martin Bulinya. DT focuses on designing products using electrical systems, construction materials and food preparation.


In Computing, we work on enhancing our coding skills, work with algorithms and focus on e-safety, using technology for research and creating digital content.


PE includes sports, gymnastics, dance, and athletics, building strength, coordination, and teamwork in games such as football and rugby.


In RE, we learn about the beliefs and practices of Christians, Hindus and Sikhs.

Routines/key information

  • Toast (20p per day) and money needs to be paid on a Monday for the week
  • Spelling is sent home on Friday and the test is on the following Monday
  • Maths homework is sent home on Friday and handed in on a Friday
  • Reading books will be changed on either a Friday
  • The Star of the Week’s winner’s medal will be issued on a Friday

Our trips this year

Jodrell Bank – Space (Science)


We will also take part in more enrichment events, such as:

  • Careers Fair
  • First aid workshop

Thank you for taking the time to read about us, and we hope you have enjoyed learning about wonderful 5J. We will be sharing more of our learning with you over the year, so keep a look out on our Class Dojo page and the school website.

'Pupils are wonderful ambassadors for themselves and the school.'

| Ofsted 2024

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