Nursery Staff

Class Teachers: Mrs Whitehurst

Support Staff: Miss Bailey, Mrs Livingstone & Mrs Smith

Hello and welcome to the Nursery class page – where our school journey begins!

In Nursery, we have three groups: Ladybirds, Butterflies and Bumblebees. Each of these groups has a key worker to support us throughout the day and within our learning sessions.

Nursery Documents

Nursery Showcase

Nursery is an exciting place where we begin our school journey! We make new friends, meet new teachers and learn lots of school routines and rules.
Our learning environment is made up of different areas which all support our learning and development.

We spend lots of time playing and exploring within our classroom environment alongside our teacher and key workers. Playing allows us to explore,  problem solve, work with others and develop our language skills. The staff within Nursery provide us with a range of wonderful experiences and opportunities to help us to learn and embed key knowledge and skills. They help us to become more independent throughout the school day and within the learning environments.

We are a happy and kind class, and we love coming into school every day to see our friends and teachers. There are so many exciting things to learn in the Nursery including how to access the range of learning areas independently. We enjoy a challenge, and we are working hard throughout the year to become more independent as we begin to get ready for the transition into Reception.

Early reading and developing a love of reading is a priority in the Nursery and at the heart of everything we do – we love our phonics lessons, sharing and listening to stories, role playing different events and learning all about new characters. Each week, the children are able to select a book of pleasure to take home to share with their family. As the children progress with their phonic knowledge (usually in the summer term), they will also take home a phonics book to enable them to practise their phoneme/grapheme correspondence.

This year, we will be reading the following texts (and more) throughout the year:

  • The Colour Monster
  • Guess How Much I Love You
  • The Gruffalo
  • Room on the Broom
  • Stick Man
  • The Gruffalo’s Child
  • Day Monkey, Night Monkey
  • Little Red Riding Hood
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  • Dear Zoo

Our exciting curriculum focuses on the following topics which motivate, inspire and challenge us and provides us with a range of skills and vast knowledge:

  • Me and my community

Focusing on similarities and differences within families and where we belong in our community. We explore seasonal change and what happens during autumn. We also look at different cultural experiences, such as Christmas and Diwali.

  • Starry night

In this topic, we focus on nighttime routines and why sleep is important. We look closely at winter and what happens to snow and ice once it starts to get warm. We celebrate Chinese New Year and during Wonderful Wednesday have a food tasting session.

  • Sunshine and Sunflowers

This is a very exciting topic where we start to look for the signs of spring. We plant Sunflower seeds and observe the changes over time. We also discuss the importance of keeping ourselves healthy.

  • On the beach

We think about our favourite places and special memories we have made. We look at objects that we might find at the beach and what you might do there. We also look back at our time in Nursery and think about what we are looking forward to in Reception and what we can expect in our new class.

Across the Early Years Foundation Stage, we engage in Wonderful Wednesday afternoons, which is a character development activity linked to our topic learning. Through our Wonderful Wednesday afternoons, we develop and learn new skills such as simple cooking, gardening, crafts and investigations.

We have a busy year ahead of us with lots to explore and learn. We aim to give the children the very best learning opportunities to ensure they are ready for Reception and hope that families will continue to support us on this journey.

'Pupils are wonderful ambassadors for themselves and the school.'

| Ofsted 2024

Why Eaton Park?

Eaton Park Academy has been at the heart of our community for many years.

Our Curriculum

Our ambitious curriculum is shaped around the pupils and the community in which we serve.

Latest News

Here you can find a collection of our latest news. We aim to keep all stakeholders as up-to-date as possible.

We use ClassDojo

ClassDojo is a global community of more than 50 million teachers and families who come together to share kids’ most important learning moments, in school and at home—through photos, videos, messages, and more.

We use ParentPay

ParentPay is the leading online payment service for schools. Cashless payments & dinner money administration for schools, families & local authorities.

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