Class Teachers: Mrs Jones (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday) / Mrs Cottis (Thursday & Friday)
Class Support Staff: Miss Birch / Mrs Stevenson


Class Teacher: Mrs Mellor
Classroom Support Staff: Mrs Bourne

Year 1 Documents

Year 1 Showcase

Welcome to wonderful 1JC!

We are happy, engaged and enthusiastic in everything we do. We are even starting to love a challenge! We have a classroom filled with learning prompts to develop our independent learning and are starting to use them to help us. If we find something a little tricky, we just keep on trying our best. We might not know how to do it – but we soon will! Sometimes, we work together in small groups or pairs, but we also enjoy working independently so that we can share our developing knowledge and skills. We have had a fantastic start to our learning in year 1 and we are very excited about the rest of the year.

We love a good story! In 1JC we read as much as we possibly can, whether it’s during phonics sessions, reading practice time or DEAR Time. We just love to Drop Everything And Read! We like to spend time reading in our jungle Reading Corner and in the Key Stage 1 library.

This year, we will be reading the following texts in our English sessions:

  • The Three Little Pigs
  • Goldilocks and the Three Bears
  • Hansel and Gretel
  • Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs
  • Red Riding Hood and the Sweet Little Wolf

Don’t forget that if we read 5 times every week at home we might be a bookworm winner! If you are, you will be given a gold coin to use in the book vending machine in the main entrance foyer. You can then choose a book to take home and keep!

In Year 1, we will dive into a wide range of engaging and enjoyable activities designed to support and develop our understanding across the curriculum. In maths, we’ll strengthen our skills by focusing on key skills such as numbers, addition and subtraction, fractions, and shapes. In geography, we increase our knowledge of the weather and seasons. Throughout the year, our history lessons will transport us back in time, where we will explore fascinating events and people from the past. In science, we begin by building knowledge of materials before moving on to animals including humans and then plants. Together with this, we will deepen our understanding of religions, experiment with different art techniques, develop important computing skills and develop our wellbeing through personal, social, and health education (PSHE).

Year 1 will be an exciting and enriching year of learning!

Routines/key information:

  • Toast (£1) and Milk (£1.50) money needs to be paid on a Monday for the week
  • Homework is sent home on a Friday and must be returned by Friday
  • Reading books will be changed on Friday
  • The winners medal will be issued on a Friday alongside 2 other children who will pick from the prize box.

Our trips this year:

  • Sudbury museum
  • Berryhill Village
  • Christmas cinema visit
  • Zoo 2 u onside visit
  • Dinosaur experience

Statutory testing:

This year in year 1, we will be working towards completing our year 1 phonics screening test. Your child will take part in the phonics screening check during the week commencing Monday 9 June 2025. The phonics screening check is a check of your child’s phonics knowledge. It helps our school to confirm whether your child is making the progress expected in the national curriculum.

Thank you for taking the time to read about us and we hope you have enjoyed learning about the amazing Class 1JC. We will be sharing more of our learning with you over the year, so keep a look out on our class dojo page and the school website.

Hello and welcome to 1M’s (M for magical) class page.

We are a class full of excitement and enthusiasm, and we always have a smile on our faces. As you can imagine, our classroom is very busy, but it is a wonderful learning environment. The children in 1M strive to be the best they can be, and we are so thoughtful to everyone around us. We are encouraged to have a growth mindset and develop confident in ourselves in all aspects of school life. We experience lots of different subjects and have opportunities to try new things every day! Our teachers love it when we participate and share our own ideas in lessons because it shows we are eager to learn. We understand that when we do this, we may make a few mistakes along the way, but this is acceptable because not only ourselves, but our peers can learn from any mistakes we make together. Every day we are determined to show our MASTER values in everything we do; we have high expectations, and we are dedicated to being an Eaton Park person. We are a team, and we are ready to take on the challenges of Year 1 together, having a lot of fun and laughter along the way! We are ready for our first year in key stage one – we know that with great determination, we can achieve great things!

We love to read in 1M, and we have so many opportunities to read during our day, whether it be during phonics sessions, reading practice, during lessons or DEAR time. This year, we will be reading the following texts throughout the year:

  • The Three Little Pigs
  • Goldilocks and the Three Bears
  • Hansel and Gretel
  • Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs
  • Red Riding Hood and the Sweet Little Wolf

We would love to have as many Bookworm winners as possible in 1M this year, so we are going to work together to encourage each other to read 5 times every week at home! Mrs Mellor and Mrs Bourne would love to see as many children as possible win a gold coin to take to our reading book vending machine.

Over the course of this year, we will encounter many interesting and fun-filled activities to develop our understanding across the curriculum. We will build and develop our learning in Maths, focusing on all the key areas including units like number, addition and subtraction, fractions and shape. In Geography, we will start the year developing our understanding of the weather and seasons. Throughout the year, we will travel back in time during our history lessons to find out about the past. In science, we begin by building knowledge of materials before moving on to animals, including humans. Alongside this, we will develop our understanding of religions, artistic techniques, computing skills and discussing personal, social, health and well-being.

Routines/key information:

  • Toast (£1) and Milk (£1.50) money needs to be paid on a Monday for the week
  • Homework is sent home on a Friday and must be returned by Friday
  • Reading books will be changed on Friday
  • The winner’s medal will be issued on a Friday alongside 2 other children who will pick from the prize box- who is going to shine bright in 1M?

Our trips this year:

  • Sudbury museum
  • Berryhill Village
  • Christmas cinema visit
  • Zoo 2 u onside visit
  • Dinosaur experience

Statutory testing:

This year, in year 1, we will be working towards completing our year 1 phonics screening test. Your child will take part in the phonics screening check during the week commencing Monday 9 June 2025. The phonics screening check is a check of your child’s phonics knowledge. It helps our school to confirm whether your child is making the progress expected in the national curriculum.

Thank you for taking the time to read about us and we hope you have enjoyed learning about wonderful 1M. We will be sharing more of our learning with you over the year, so keep a look out on our class dojo page and the school website.

'Pupils are wonderful ambassadors for themselves and the school.'

| Ofsted 2024

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